Our Irresistible Garlic Sauce
Tickle Your Taste Buds With Our Tangy Condiment
Our Irresistible Garlic Sauce
Tickle Your Taste Buds With Our Tangy Condiment
A Savory Garlic Sauce Perfect for a Wide Variety of Dishes
The possibilities are endless.
Here's to your new taste adventure and to your health!
Enjoy the journey!
A perfectly balanced blend of fresh garlic, lemon juice, Non-GMO expeller pressed canola oil, salt, pepper, and love!
Nutrition Facts
"We are addicted, and are starting a support group for those dependent on Karam's Garlic Sauce."
Nurses from Group Health Hospital - Seattle, WA
"Woo hop... Texas will never be the same!"
Karen - Dallas, TX
"OH, your garlic sauce. I, like many folks these days, am on a restricted diet...At first it was depressing to not be able to eat Mayo, other dips, sauces or "white goops" of all sorts.
But when I remembered, after starting my current diet, "Oh, I can have Karam's Garlic Sauce!", I was so happy. I don't miss the other sauces at all now. Yours is the BEST!!!
Thanks again, and thanks for adding the 'Love'!"
Leigh - Seattle, WA
"Everyone has a vice. I don't smoke, nor drink, nor even do coffee. But I'm addicted to your Garlic Sauce! When my son was just two years old he ate your garlic sauce with blueberries! Our family keeps your sauce on hand at all times. In our house, it's a staple, like eggs and milk. Thanks."
Alyce - Seattle, WA
"Your garlic sauce is the most incredible thing in the world. And the most indispensable product in a world of lots of dispensable things. It's wonderful to find something so special."
Jessica of Quilcene, WA